Triple Denim

What do you think? Denim on denim was out of your reach?

I feel as long as I like it, I don’t really care if it out of the trend or something.

Found this trousers jeans on sale for from Free People with original price 5, there is no reason I should passed it on, right? 🙂

Almost every fashion channel say pairing two different shades of denims always key for trying denim on denim, but I do it with the same tone denim today, isn’t it like a overall. No need for excessive accessories with this one, I like to makes it looks more casual yet simple chic.

What do you think?

Red Bear’s another fun, throwing rocks!

Have you noticed you haven’t seen the pictures of Red Bear sucking fingers anymore? I am glad he is not sucking his fingers anymore:)

Nine West Wedges

Be & D Denim Bag

Kasil + Taylor Jacobson Jeans

Mossimo Supply Co Denim Blouse

50 thoughts on “Triple Denim

  1. hallie真是又時尚又美麗,這次裝扮個性又不失小性感~

  2. initially i thought u were wearing an overall!! the 2 denims have really similar shades!! chic indeed!! and the third denim is so cheeky!! 😀

    love your wedges! u have incredible shoes collection!!

  3. Beautiful! I agree. Throw the rules out the door… if it makes you feel good, do it. The best accessory is confidence. I love the clean lines of your denim on denim. Looks like a jumpsuit. My favorite image is the one of you in front of the flowers, but my favorite favorite is of Red Bear and muddy fingers. Typical! And what a steal for those pants!
    Wearing motherhood with style.

  4. It’s so beautiful! I was sure it was a jumpsuit!!! WOW! Gorgeous! You look stunning! I agree with you, who cares about rules, when the results are as great as that! I also love the platforms (killer babies, aren’t they?) and the aviators (they sort of remind me of Tom Kruz!). Perfect perfect! 😀
    And I have to admit that I hadn’t noticed that Red Bear isn’t sucking his finger anymore! He’s growing up 🙂 It’s awesome, but kinda sad at the same time 🙂 Cutie pie <3
    Kisses! 😀

  5. 最后一张美的真让我窒息。那柔软的长发和脚上色彩亮丽的鞋柔和了一身稍显英气的牛仔。棒极了!


  6. 整个看上去象是连体裤,所以不会觉得2个同色的会不好看。相反,达到了很好的效果。

  7. 好漂亮,喜欢那搭配,喜欢那小花,喜欢Hallie和RB。有清爽休闲的感觉。要是换个鞋子,我觉得在农场拍照应该是个不错的地方。嘻。还有,有几张里那眼镜看起来怎么象“米克杰迅”,忘记怎么写了,Hallie你别生气哦。嘻。

  8. HALLIE:你怎么能这么的帅呢,看到照片的那一刹那,我心里欢呼了一下,看完你的博客总能让我找到穿衣或者下次要买衣服的灵感,谢谢你!HALLIE!为RB找到新的爱好也欢呼一下。

  9. Hallie, you look adorable in EVERYTHING…especially this denim number. I love those pants – perfect for summer! And how cute is your son in his little denim shirt too?!! Super cute!

  10. Hi,Hallie!I have been busy thoese days,and no time to read your new blogs.You´re really amazing.This triple denim you made it´s so so so beautiful,I do really love it! This tone the denim always looks fresh,and the wedges so pretty , the new sunwear gives you a new look! After all,You are a amazing lady!
    Salud to RB 😀

  11. Yeah, he was wearing denim shirt too:) should have let him wear denim on denim too…hehehe..

  12. 呵呵, 亲爱的, 你们能喜欢, 我很高兴啊,,,每天得到你们的甜美留言真的是乐趣无穷:)

  13. 哈哈, 以前在YOKA的时候也有人说过我一些相片象迈克尔, 当时我还很不开心了几天, 和老公说了, 结果他说, 你怎么会不高兴? 我觉得这是赞美的话, 迈克尔是花了巨资才整成那样的, 而且大家都说他最后整得象女人, 所以你不用整都这样了, 应该开心才是, 所以现在我也按我老公的想法了, 开心, 哈哈….
    RB的手指是因为伤了贴了创可贴, 他才开始不吃手指了, 所以现在就算他的手指好了, 我们也一样贴, 就此改掉他的坏毛病 ^^

  14. 呵呵, 没看相片的时候我自己还没觉得, 看到相片了就觉得象一套了.

  15. yeah, Red Bear is growing up!!! kinds sad and happy at the same time…
    So what did you do today without going to school and exam? heheeh….

  16. 呵呵, 居然被你看出来了, 故意解开了好几颗扣子,,,哈哈…


  17. Well since I have plenty of free time now, I have started to transform my clothes!!! I’m really into DIY now, and I’ve already made two tops, and I’m working on a shirt right now (trying to sue the Rolling Stones logo on the back!). And well apart from that, you know.. the usual stuff: beach, movies, fun 🙂 It’s good! Such a pity that from Monday I’ll have to go back to studying (summer private lessons..) Oh well 😀

  18. 我想应该是那眼镜+你的长发遮脸,因为是在电视上有这个镜头,所以我有这样的印象,这个还是他不在的时候我才留意他的一些。那Hallie就不要生我的气啦。笑一个。卟卟。。

  19. 呵呵,,,白是相片的效果,真人有点白, 但也不是那么白, 晕,,,,哈哈..

  20. 这么好,呵呵,以前我们老板就总要求我们穿有领有袖的衣服,四季都要,现在想想我们当时有时候穿得还真不象话...嘻嘻...

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