Two Tone

Almost everything I like for this Fall in this outfits: two tone jacket, colored pants, denim shirt, animal print accessories…

We got a lot of candies home now after 2.5 hours “treat or trick” with Red Bear last night, you think I should call Red Bear’s dentist and tell him about this good news? lol…Happy Tuesday everyone!

Zara two tone jacket/jeans/denim shirt(old)

Chanel Bag

Dolce Vita Heels

Ray Ban Sunglasses

Leopard Belt from Target


25 thoughts on “Two Tone

  1. 牛仔襯衫真是個百搭單品,不只春夏少不了它,秋冬更是不能沒有它。我只有短袖的,看來我也要去添件長袖的來穿囉!

  2. I loooove the jacket!!!! and a denim shirt is absolutely one of my faves too I have 2 and I wear them all the time!!!:) and I love ur trousers!! I want a pair like these too but didn’t seem 2 find’ well I’ll check H&M and Zara better next time lol and I don’t think I even have 2 say anything about the 2.55 because obviously it’s a 2.55 words can’t describe it hahaha xoxo

  3. 外套是有点运动型的。那裤子的颜色很漂亮,芥末黄吗?还有很喜欢你那皮带。Hallie一出场也是我们的大明星啦。哈。

  4. 今年似乎也很流行拼色的毛衣,芥末黄的裤子暖暖的~~

  5. 是啊, 外套是有点象棒球外套呢:)
    不过我让你失望了, 我的万圣节可没装扮什么, 平常的服装, 就在一旁看RB讨糖果,,,和我一起出去的邻居家的妈妈们也都没有穿扮起来, 所以我也懒得花心思去弄了…:(

  6. WOW! Indeed, this is an awesome outfit! I totally adore the colored pants and the denim shirt, but to be honest for me two items STOLE MY HEART: this gorgeous Chanel-ish jacket and OMGOSH the babies you’re wearing on your feet!!! I’m in looooove with these shoes (yeah, and practically with evry pair of shoe I can’t afford bying :P) By the way, my jealousy for your gorgeous, long hair is steadily growing 😛
    Ah, now you’re putting fires talking about candies hhahah! I have a kind of TOO big sweet tooth. I don’t mind eating food, but honestly I can’t live without desserts 😛 Oh yes of course! I bet Red Bear’s dentist would be SO excited about this haha! This reminds me of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory with Johny Depp lol! 😀

  7. 时间真快,我还记得去年你和RB的装扮,好像不远的事,眨眼之间一年,我们还是要珍惜时间啊!

  8. 今年也紧跟hallie 的潮流,这条裤子也买了,就是跟”看了又看”一样啊没有找到合适的牛仔衫

  9. 就是喜欢看你穿颜色鲜亮的裤子。。。显得超有活力,显得腿又细又长。。。

  10. JIE也是位很尽心很有爱的妈妈,,,,我还真能理解这种心情, 有时候自己再累再烦,,但是宝宝们开心了, 什么都值了….

  11. 呵呵, 那你那有没有Madewell 或者是jcrew? 这两个牌子的牛仔衬衣也很棒的.

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