When Bob mentioned to me we could take a trip to Universal City Walk, I had no idea where it is, even though I have been to Universal Studio many times. Of course, Universal Studio is so famous but after exploring City Walk, I strongly recommend you visit City Walk when you are in Universal studio. Universal Studio and CityWalk, they are like a brother or sister, or you can call them neighbors, Very close one — they share a parking lot, and you can walk from one into the other. [There is an entrance fee to enter Universal Studio, but there is no fee to enter City Walk.
Base on “Universal CityWalk”, CityWalk’s got all the answers with over 30 places for just a bite or a total binge. You could build up an appetite just from checking out all the options – Chinese, Mexican, Ice Cream, Steak, Californian, Desserts. Hungry Yet? No? How ’bout Burgers, Japanese, Lattes, Brazilian, Subs, Pizza and Sushi. We enjoyed some salad and veggie burger in Hard Rock Cafe! I can say that was the best salad I ever have! And we had a great view — we ate outside, and we were right next to an outdoor stage where they had music and comedians.
You can also experience human flight! Indoor Skydiving at iFly Hollywood vertical wind tunnel is safe for kids too! Red Bear laughed so hard when he saw these people flying in the air, but he gave me a “No!” answer when I asked him if he wants to do that.
—You can’t miss the “IT’SUGAR” store, it is one of the largest specialty candy emporiums in the world carrying over 6,000 different offerings. You can also customize your own Chocolate Bar complete with your choice of over 400 candy inclusions. A must see attraction! Red Bear came away with a big lollipop and his own gumball machine.
love those M&M
WOW!!!!! O_O I’m stunned! How beautiful is this place! <333 WOW!!! I love love love everything! I wish I could go there one day! Awww! I don't know where to begin, everything's really interesting! The indoor skydiving, this huge electrical guitar, Marilyn Monroe (!), and of course, It'Sugar!!!! I think that I'd never go out of this candy store hahaha! It would be like a paradise to me
Aaaah! <3 Ameeericaaa
Oh and Red Bear is so funny in these pics! Cutiiieeee! lol he liked the skydiving, but not for him hahahh 
Fun stuff! Your son is absolutely adorable. I love that jean shirt with cutout shoulders!
Such amazing pictures! Love them! And your look… amazing! Love the blouse so much, but I love your baby boy more, he’s such a cutie!
嘻嘻, 发现IVY好喜欢”萌”的, 可爱的小女生:)
RB还没吃那糖呢, 但是出门总带着, 在其他小朋友面前炫, 晕死,…..
呵呵, 我老公只喜欢在幕后工作, 默默无闻的那种:)
你老公喜欢拍照也好啦, 两个人情投意合, 哈哈…
I know you will like those pictures, because you have been telling me many times you like these Ameeeericaaa views:) and I have to tell you again one day you will can explore it by yourself!!!!
Do you like Skydiving too and will be afraid to do so? lol
啊? 我可没觉得我写得有多好呢^^, 不过真的有人赏识需要我写写, 我也乐意尝试的啊:) 伯乐啊, 伯乐, 你在哪 ????
是啊, 他们看上去好Q ^^
来的时候一定要通知我哦 ^^
Oh my goodness! We visited Orlando Studios about 8 years ago? Did not go to CityWalk… I MUST check out that candy store. The idea of make-your-own chocolate bar is divine. Looks like you had a fabulous time.
Van // The Clothes We Wear
Wearing motherhood with style.
我老公说的, 这种糖果店, 最喜欢的是牙医, 哈哈
I remember my first time to Unviersal Studios! So fun! Is Harry Potter World there?
Shasie of Live Life in Style