Up and Down

From the last picture, you can tell this is outside a Golf club.  It’s so funny to see these golf balls stuck in the net wall fence.

Another funny moment was from Red Bear, he picked up a very old, withered, black leaf and said: “This is a sad leaf.”  Then he picked up another full leaf and said, “This is a happy leaf.” His little brain is too lovely, I think so. 🙂

So how do you like my over-the-knee socks? up or down? 🙂 Bob suggested me to try one up, one down next time!  he said: it’s the best of both worlds, and a new trend! hahaha,,,have a happy Wednesday!

I was wear: 3.1 Phillip Lim sweater, Zara Shirt and skirt, Dolce Vita Boots, Lanvin for H&M gloves, 3.1 Phillip Lim Satchel, Prada Sunglasses

22 thoughts on “Up and Down

  1. 哈哈,哈哈!你老公太搞笑了!我更喜欢你放在下面,因为可以露出美腿,呵呵!

  2. This look is super adorable! And so is your son!!! It’s so funny, today I also wore a pleated skirt, a sweater and over the knee socks!!

  3. 妳老公和RB真的好可愛!和他們生活在一起每天都是驚喜和歡笑呢!親愛的是幸福快樂的小女人~

  4. 又是很快乐的一天吧。RB太可爱了。我现在也发现小孩子的想法很新奇的。看着RB的表情想当时他把自己的感情也放进那叶子里啦,替叶子伤心与高兴呢。

  5. 是的哦, 如果想提升腰线, 显高, 就可以在中间加条小皮带呢…SUE的想法和点子也挺多的呢…

  6. 哈哈,我也好喜欢你的生活哦, 每天想到缺少什么, 就上街逛逛…你也是幸福快乐的女人咧!!!

  7. 我是天气冷的话就拉上去, 热了就放下来….我们这边的天气, 这种穿法还蛮实际的…:)

  8. hahaha! bob is so funny!! i think u look great regardless it’s up or down. up is more preppy & school girl-ish whereas down look cool. RB is so adorable… sad face when he picked up a sad leaf and all smiley when he picked up a happy leaf. so many free “toys” on the street to keep him entertained 😀

  9. Ah, I think I like the socks down in this particular outfit, but that’s just part of the fun of the variety of knee socks! Nice touch of tying your laces around your ankle part of the shoe. ^^

  10. 好像我最近留言少了,其实我是想说的总被她们抢先说了.哈哈.然后我还怕HALLIE回复太累了.看我多心疼你!!!

  11. HAHHAAHAH!! Red Bear is so funny! Sad leaf, happy leaf! He is right 🙂 <3 What a cute cute baby! Btw, what's on his right cheek? Did he hurt? :/
    Now as for the knee socks, I can't actually decide how I like them better, but I'm surprised that such a little detail changes the whole outfit! I think, though, that in this particular outfit I prefer them down, because it makes you look like a rock star!!! The combination of the 'hard' boots, socks and gloves look awesome with the feminine skirt! You're simply too amazing for words 😀 And hmmm…the other day I wore knee highs and the left one slipped down my leg all the time and pissed me off, so I just left it there, whereas the right one was up. And I walked around like this all day in school! haha! It was funny lol! Many kisses to you and my little Bear <3 🙂

  12. this is so funny!!! because my mom really liked ur last post about Philip Lim’s (if that’s his name I don’t quite remember) so much that she’s made it her desktop and we talked just an hour ago about how beautiful is light nude and light grey together and then I look and see u wearing nude and gray!!! lol and you look amazing!!!!!!!! I love this skirt and I love it even more with the sweater! and the sock’s are so cute and I think they’re better down in this occasion I dunno why it just looks better to me 😀 and the shoes are perfect!!! and RB is so cute!! and he’s getting so handsome! 🙂 and the street looks amazing with all the leaves! xoxo

  13. 嘻,认识Hallie后也想多了解搭配嘛。现在是慢慢找到适合自己的搭配。但还没什么头绪呢。。

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