Red Bear and I, we have a habit: we have to cuddle with our soft blanket to sleep everynight (I have had that habit since I was Red Bear’s age), and Red Bear’s favorite pillow is also made with velvet, so, of course I love this velvet jacket! Velvet and sequin, they’re holiday season “must haves”, don’t you think?
“Sleeping Beauty”…with lollipop in his mouth.
This Thursday is Thanksgiving in America, and the next day is called “Black Friday,” which means the start of the real strong shopping season for Christmas, just a month away. Most of the stores have really special sale prices to bring in lots of shoppers on Black Friday, and many of the stores open really early, like at midnight or 3 a.m. Do you have any shopping plan for this Black Friday?
My plans might end up moving my fingers like crazy on my laptop searching for the best deals for the internet shopping! Will I end up in the malls with the rest of the shoppers? It’s too early to say.
I was wearing: Zara Velvet blazer and snake print pants, Charles David Pumps, 3.1 Phillip Lim Pashli Satchel, D&G watch, Ring from Target, my old purple silk top.Ray Ban sunglasses
Beautiful!Love the pants and the top!The 2nd pic is absolutely gorgeous.Love it!
It has been a long time since I’ve been here last time and Halie has changed the layout of your blog as well as updates many. I’m so excited to read them everyday and befriend with you at sina weibo with the name of “Ellien_Yu”. love you.
看了你新的相片哦, 真的是越来越多变了, 咱们互相学习:)
P.S. 你那个复古书包的颜色配得很好看呢.
被你发现了哦, 我是最近对这包比较迷爱, 觉得很好配…争取圣诞节再买个, 到时候就有得换了, 哈哈..
Thanks, IVY, keep in touch in Weibo if you like:)
amazing look, love your “snake” pants!
Well hello there my snake print sister
I have to admit you rock these kind of pants like no one else. You are a real source of inspiration for me Hallie! Love you!
looking great in snake print pants! love that sleeping beauty with lollipop photo
Velvet and snakeskin print is such an interesting combo! Good luck for Black Friday; I’ve only ever done it once and it was a lot of fun, but this year I think I’m just going to enjoy being home from uni (:
perfect pants !

Wonderful photos
i love ur awwww<3 u 2 r so sweet!! I have a habit of reading b4 going 2 sleep
and I saw on TV pictures from black friday- terrifying! I'm calaustrophobic so it's seems even scarier 2 me… I'll just settle for online shopping in A&F lol xoxo
I just can’t get enough of that bag!It’s absolutely amazing!And why the hell I don’t have snake skin pants?!:)
Hi!!! This look’s so lovely!!! The snakesking pants rock, you make them seem so easy to style haha! Love the velvet blazer as well, even if I’m not a huuuge fan of velvet. This is a pretty and classy piece though, so I can’t judge it
Love your shoes and bag as well! Perfectly combined! Oh and Red Bear’s pics are AWESOME!!! He looks so pretty with the lollipop, a real cutie <3 <3 I wish I was there to cuddle with him as well hahaha!
Love both of you! Kisseees! <3 And have a happy Thanksgiving, we don't celebrate it here, but Black Friday seems SO tempting. Can't wait to see what you got! 
the pants are amazing!
是啊, 新浪微博, 看看感兴趣不?
Love the jacket!
Absolutely love the velvet blazer! Definitely a holiday ‘must-have’ I agree
<3 Shawna