I have been waiting for these Levis cut off shorts all season long, and they finally arrived. I ordered a XS for myself after seeing the review online, somehow they turn out a little bit tight, ~~~~~”I need to go on a diet again!”
I never stop thinking of losing weight, and I’m always surrounded by snacks and other delicious food. Are you the same?
Levis Cut off Shorts
Jeffery Campbell Lita
Asos Bag
Aldo Owl Ring
Aviation Sunglasses from Target
Of course, you don’t need to go on a diet! You have such a perfect body! I envy you, to be honest, you’re really pretty
After all, if the XS is kinda tight, then WOW, a round of applause! I couldn’t even put my ankle in it lol!
Soooo what a gorgeous outfit again! It’s rocker chic and I LOVE it when you show us your rocker self! Perfect top, shoes, cover up, everything!
For the 10000th time, I’m thinking that I NEED your clothes in my life
I love your hair and sunnies too! I want to buy aviators as well, but right now my wallet does not cooperate
You are a gorgeous lady, gorgeous momma, gorgeous person 
And these two pics of Red Bear are SO cute, especially the second one! He is sooooo small! This color suits him
Good night, Hallie (according to my calculations, it’s noon there.. whatever :P) Kisses
Amazing outfit!
I like so much your style!
Frist of all,XS is extra small,Hallie if you go on a diet,I think that you should to go to the Levi’s boys series directly.hehehe.You have a perfect body,at least i saw by the photos you post.I really envy you have those perfect proportion legs…..
A remarkable outfit!!!Every piece is hot piece,MUST HAVE PIECE of the season !!! Hallie you are always so stylish!!
I am so glad to see your new blog before to go to sleep,here we are late at night.RB always playing well his role,cute boy!!!
Enjoy your day! Good night(Buenas Noches! spanish ;p)
Thank you, Demy, I know about the wallet issue. I remember the first time I revived my monthly salary , its like only $10, and I spent them all in 5 mins in a bargain market for 4 different color block striped T-shirt.. I pair them with skirt/pants/shorts/jeans, and later they became pajama, lol, I wish I still have them though:)….trust me, you will have a bright future, you are such sweet, kind, and smart girl…:D
Kissssssssss from me and REd Bear
Thanks Dear, you have beautiful style too:)
记住了,但听不进去, 哈哈...
Ok, Here is the secret, I used to play a lot of sports, so my arms and legs are very strong, I hate to say that, this size 4 H&M faux suede brown shirt,,,it’s impossible for me to strength my arms!!! Everytime I moved, it feel like somebody going to take my blood pressure. hahah….
So here You speak Spanish to me again, my husband speaks good spanish, Red Bear learned some from Dora Cartoon, People here in the park Talk mostly in Spanish, I feel like I am lost
I think you have a perfect body.Strong arms and legs as yours looks sexy!!! I have arms and legs much stronger than yours,i always think if oneday i go to do a cosmetic surgery,the first part I’d really like to do is make my calf and my arms smaller.LOL.But i know i’ll never do it.People say natural is beautiful! Just comfort myself
My hubby told me that in south of USA,a lot of people can speak spanish,next Mexico I think.I’m so glad your hubby can speak well spanish,actually spanish is quite easy to learn(for me),hehe
yeah….about the Spanish Speaking, here is more and often, it’s normal to see the store or street write in English and Spanish…we have a lot of Mexicans here.
看着不紧穿着紧, 哈哈, 反正不能吃太饱就是啦!
呵呵,,,我也不是穿什么都好看的啦, 而且照这么相片, 从里面选出几张角度看起来还不错的相片还是容易的,呵呵…
一口小歪牙, 哈哈….有的还有大缝…
不要再说减肥啦!你都这么瘦啦, 穿XS还要减肥, 晕!
别提啦, 现在都被弄糊涂了, 衣服厂家把衣服号码都弄得乱七八糟糕的, 比如H&M, 我可以从2 号穿到8号, 看是什么设计和布料, 所以这种XS呀, XL呀, 其实都是虚的, 呵呵,,,
自然状态下是微卷的, 呵呵…但是那种微卷不经过处理是不能示人滴,,,哈哈…
呵呵,,,不是的啊,如果我不注意, 吃多了又不运动, 就很容易长肉.
你LG不让你穿成这样, 是不是怕春光外泄? 嘻嘻.