Want A Party?

When we were outside taking pictures around the neighborhood, one of the neighbor passed by and told us about his vegetable field project, since we are almost un-professional expert for vegetable field, so we exchanged some ideas to him. He is a nice guy, and at the end, he asked how old is Red Bear, and said he is a party magician, and we can contact him for Red Bear’s 3 years old party. Well, that sounds fun! Thank you Neighbor!

 Anthopologie Trench Coat

Converse for Target Top

H&M Lace Skirt

Wearhouse Bag

Vintage(???)  Shoes

H&M Flower Pin(on bag)

Lucky Brand Ring(blue), Free People Ring(Silver)

12 thoughts on “Want A Party?

  1. 不是有时候AO造型用的嘛, 呵呵, 不过我也觉得我戴眼镜显得比较年轻哈….嘻嘻…

  2. 有意思的邻居,竟然是魔术师!

  3. 对啊 ,,,,呵呵,,,他是担心他妈妈成天在家没事干, 所以要折腾她多洗洗衣服… ^^

  4. 我也看天气预报了哦, 好象是下降10F左右吧, 最多也是秋装啦….冬装是真的拿来摆的呢, 呵呵, 那天我还跟我老公说, 天啊, 我的那些假毛皮衣好象都只得穿了一次.

  5. 有知性的感觉.

  6. 我们这已经是春天啦, 昨天刚下了点雨, 今天又晴空万里啦! 温度稍稍降低了一些, 不过说是周三又回暖了, 呵呵….
    我倒是希望我们这时不时下点雪呀, 呵呵

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