We All Got Something

Have you ever heard of a restaurant that would reject serving you because you have kid/kids?

Bob told me about 10 years ago, he and his friend with friend’s 2 toddler kids went to a very NICE Italian restaurant and been told no kids allowed . That sounds very annoying!

I think that must be crazy if the restaurant still does that today, and under this economy situation.   To the contrary, most of the restaurants right now try different things to please the customers who bring kid/kids with them, like providing free crayons, and special kid’s menu.etc.

The restaurant we went for breakfast today, how was that? I bet Red Bear wants to go back again and more, look what he got? A balloon and a cardboard car!

Vintage Yellow Cardigan

Zara Black Tee

Dallin Chase Leopard Print Shorts

Dolce Vita Boots

Gucci Bag

Sunglasses from Target

Thrifted bangles and butterfly ring

Anthropologie belt

22 thoughts on “We All Got Something

  1. 长的开衫很随意很舒服的感觉。也很喜欢后面背景的景色,有花有栏栅有房子,有点童画的感觉。RB很开心啦,有的吃有的玩还有礼物。能让小孩子高兴,父母也高兴,这样的餐厅才有好生意吧。

  2. memory day 没出门做个短途旅游啊?~~~~加州天气真好,不热不冷的~~~我们这里已经热的头晕眼花了

  3. hallie的腿是越来越长了,而且还白了,皮肤看上去也好好~~~这个包好久不见啦,和今天的衣服很搭~~我喜欢你这个包

  4. 短裙好漂亮啊!可以看到美腿了,呵呵!话说LA的天气是不是四季如春啊,看你又穿上开衫了。

  5. Your skirt is the funkiest. And nice job on bringing in those well melting colors.

    Kiddos are part of our life, I reckon, we all used to ones too;)

  6. LA的天气真的那么宜人吗?这里可到处都是夏天炎热的气息呀,唉。真羡慕Hallie,一直都可以穿得美美的,还不用担心防晒。RB越来越大人啦!他长得太快啦,感叹自己错过的时光越来越多了~~~~

  7. 还是怕晒的呀,嘻嘻, 不过就是出门就抹防晒霜就是了, RB也抹,我也抹,就他老豆不抹…呵呵….

  8. 这段时间是比较春天, 阳光不错, 温度大概就是25左右…..那件开衫其实是拿来搭配用的了…再活动多点穿那件就会出汗了:)

  9. 我全身上下的皮肤, 就腿上的不错, 哈哈…不过就是不太经晒, 那年去了趟希腊, 学西方人在海边晒太阳, 回来后就生了皮肤日光炎, 一晒多了就会起疹, 发痒….所以现在就很注意了.
    话说这包包确实是很久没背了呢, 呵呵…

  10. hahah,,,who knows, I bet they wouldn’t dare to do that in now days, or they must be crazy:)

  11. Indeed they always good to match everything:) …it’s just too big somehow 🙁

  12. 我们一般去旅游都会选上不是周末或假日的时候, 最怕人多挤塞了….
    我们在家里完成了一些小project, 比如终于完成了RB的生日礼物的修建工作, 呵呵….

    这边的天气还好啦, 不冷不热的. 今天去看了游行:)

  13. Hello hello! 😀 Sneaking a moment to comment to my fave blog 😛 How are you??
    Seriously?? A restaurant that doesn’t allow kids??? This is mental, isn’t it? I mean, kids are not dogs! Kids are happiness, they’re the cutest creatures, how could a person not allow them to go in a restaurant? I really hope nowadays things have changed. After all we’re in the middle of an economical crisis, as you said, so yeah, these people must be crazy if they continue acting like that.
    About the outfit WOOOOOOOOOWWWW!!! Awesomeness! I thought that it was a skirt at first, to be honest, but they’re shorts, and that’s even better (I’ve never felt really comfortable when wearing skirts, so I’m all for shorts :D). The print is AHmazing! The whole outfit has a rocker chic vibe, love love love it! And the accessories are perfect, especially the butterfly ring AND the bag, omgosh the bag is goooorgeous!
    hahha, is Red Bear wearing Uggs?? WOW! He looks beautiful! <3 So cute! I love his hair! Did you cut it again or it's just growing back? It's awesome either way 😀

  14. Thanks Demy, for visiting me even when you are so busy ….
    I know there are some places really don’t like kids, like Red Bear’s Grandpa living in a area where only has old people living in, and one day we took RB get in their public swimming pool, I can tell some old ladies really really didn’t like RB’s exist…well,,,RB is too noisy and too active sometimes, that I understand…
    RB don’t have any UGG , but I am planing to get him one one day, those little boots he wore is from baby gap:) isn’t that cute? They need to be polish too. hahah..

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