Some random shots from a couple days ago when we went out for a casual family dinner. I was planning to match these pants with a white blouse, but then I thought it’s too flat, so I found out this purple top which had been abandoned by me for a couple years. Add to that a burgundy suede vintage bag, and nude/burgundy mix Miu Miu heels, and Bob kept telling me, “I like it, I like it!” …
One of my favorite color blocking combinations is green and yellow, and when Red Bear wore this green Tee and stood beside the yellow fire hydrant, it really opened my eyes!
I was wearing: Teal Pants c/o American Appareal
Forever21 top
Miu Miu Heels
Vintage Bag
H&M bracelet and ring
Red Bear was wearing: Green Tee c/o American Appareal
Gap Shorts
Hahahaa! Yeah, Red Bear’s color blocking looks pretty good! Green and yellow, good! But to be honest I like yours best lol! The colors look great together and OMG the shoes are so to die for!! Miu Mius <3 I hope that one day I'l be able to afford a pair as beautiful as this!
But I think that what makes this outfit THAT gorgeous are the accessories. The feather earrings are adorable and all these bracelets AHMAZING!
Beautiful as always <3 
P.S. I just chose the items I want to buy from Romwe *huge smile*!
I love this colour combo and I think is better that u chose this top instead of a white one. And these Miu Miu heels…<3 <3 <3
为什么你们都喜欢呢? 嘻嘻, 说老实话啊, 我自己对这套搭配真的不是很感冒, 喜欢不起来, ^^
不知道为什么, 有时候穿起旧衣服来总觉得没有感觉, 或者是没有新鲜感了吧, 反正总是想买新衣服就是了, 呵呵
好吧, 你们都同意我老公的看法, 呵呵…反正我自己还是不喜欢….
小时候你也玩飞行棋吗? 我也玩呢, ,,呵呵…又提成旧时回忆…
RB的头发我剪的, 不错吧, 嘻嘻
sighs,,,look at you, how old are you? and now you know everything about fashion, in my 18 years old? I didn’t know what’s Miu Miu, seriously! not to mention other fashion stuff,
Don’t forget to send me some pictures after you got romwe:D
是吗?我天天喝一包减肥茶, 然后加一大堆零售,哈哈...老公老经常叫说,你这是浪费钱...
This is a wonderful look and I am glad you skipped the white top and went with more color. Great instincts served you well!
I like your cool colors color block! I’ve mostly just been seeing bright colors togehter or bright and dark. Nice!
Shasie of Live Life in Style