Weekend at San Diego {Part II}

Vacation = Site seeing + Museum visiting + Food tasting + Dumb games on the beach

I found out Red Bear got a big scratch on his foot after we left the beach,  he suddenly cried so hard when he found out. But thanks Dr. Mommy, She had a Band-aid in her backpack and put it on the little boy’s foot, and all the problem was solved after the Band-aid!

Wearing: Zara Eyelet Tee and Sandals, H&M Dress, ASOS Backpack(similar), Chanel Sunglasses, Invicta Watch

15 thoughts on “Weekend at San Diego {Part II}

  1. 好春天好繽紛的搭配,好喜歡!

    但我後來發現那也算是他們撒嬌的一種,想引起注意!真是的,小傢伙真聰明 ^^

  2. Ouch… Hope Red Bear’s leg is better… How are you mums doing it? You always have the solution haha! I see it with my mum as well. I’m not a little child anymore, but still, she does miracles!!! Anyway, I love so much these pictures and my favorite is the second one. It’s like Red Bear’s saying: “Look Ma, sand!” and you’re like “NOOO! WAIT!” hahah! You are amazing! And the colorblocking look rocks. The backpack has to be my favorite piece, so practical! :*

  3. Haha…kids…I used to be the same way…I always came home with a “surprise” after playing with kids…it was my foot, or my knee… it was always something 🙂

  4. beautiful images capturing the summer essence of your San Diego beach weekend! Red Bear is so lucky to have you as his sweet and caring momma! 🙂

  5. Amazing photos.. 🙂 Poor baby thanks God mommy is a real day-saver… Always ready ehh… Hope his foot is all ok now.. Btw love your yellow dress..

  6. 沙滩好美哦,好细的沙。

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