Weekend Shopping Outfit & Chanel Sale

Denim Parka Chanel Pin and Shoes

It’s raining today in L.A., and since we couldn’t stop somewhere for a real photo-shoot, I decided to show you a self-taken picture.  I am wearing a Current/Elliott ‘the Infantry’ Denim Jacket, Zara Sweater, JBrand Cropped Jeans , Valentino Studded Clutch, and Chanel Pin.

Found these Chanel kitten-heel shoes on sale in Neiman Marcus, I couldn’t decide whether to take it. I put my name on the last pair to hold, what do you think? Yes or Not?


Denim Parka Chanel Pin and Shoes

11 thoughts on “Weekend Shopping Outfit & Chanel Sale

  1. 牛仔裤的毛边设计是吸引人的亮点!至于鞋子,从前的我可能会因为某一个小细节吸引而买下,即使整理上(比方颜色或者其他什么的)不一定特别中意。不过,现在,我可能会考虑一下吧,如果真的不是特别心爱的,那么还是再等一等。反正,这世界上总是不断地会有好看的鞋子出生。^_^

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