Weekend Steal and Project

1. Straw Hat from Old Navy

2. Orange Clutch from local Mexican Flea Market $10

3. White Crochet Dress from Zara $50

4.Sent this old python skin Carlos Falchi bag to my favorite shoe/bag repair master to do a big surgery, can’t wait to see the new look.:)

11 thoughts on “Weekend Steal and Project

  1. Awww!! Beautiful beautiful pictures!!! I so love the hat and the orange clutch! Orange is one of my fave colors along with blue! The crochet dress is so pretty too! I’m sure you look awesome in it! But to be really honest, I’m not a big fan of the black bag. However, I can change my mind SO easily when it comes to apparel, so it isn’t impossible that I’ll LOVE it soon lol! Bye bye! 😉 I think it’s around 4 or 5 there, so have a nice afternoon 🙂

  2. 这些东西太超值了!加起来也不到一百美元。我上周也买了一件纯白的葛根纱的连衣裙,只可惜晒得有点儿黑,呵呵!

  3. 我也有一件白色镂空的长衣服,不过是长袖的,穿起来很好看。所以,你没有买错。

  4. 夏天晒黑是正常的呀, 我现在反而也喜欢我黑黑的颜色了,觉得穿艳色或白色的东西一样好看.看看不用担心的啊...

  5. Orange is pretty hot these days:)
    I wasn’t a black bag before, serious, but one day, when I realize that a good black bag match almost everything, and I should get a right one, havn’t get the right one though:D

  6. 期待Hallie的新搭配出场。我好象很久没去逛街呢,最近都是很忙,周末休息也是忙,但也不知道忙个什么出来,是因为要烦点事。这个你知道有这事的。

  7. 你不会又是以前告诉我担心的那件事情吧? 难道是同样的事情吗?

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