Believe or not, I had 2 gift cards, one each from Macy’s and JCPenny, and tried to shop for a new swimsuit last night, but neither of those stores have started selling swimwear yet — apparently winter is not swimsuit season, even though our weather here is almost 90-degrees. So I ended up in Target and got a couple bikinis there, I like them. The neon clutch and the leopard hat are from Target also, all under $20 — good deal, right?
New bikinis and new sandals(from Aldo), so what would you guess right now? What’s waiting for me ?
Strangely enough I saw a small rack of bathing suits at my local Macy’s…strange because I’m living in about 20-40 degree weather. Still, this is a nice bikini you were able to pick up from Target! I like the intricate beading in the top an the colour is perfect for summer…swimsuit season will come soon! haha. Have a lovely weekend!
I haven’t been here for a while
school pressure… anyways glad 2 b back!!!! love everything you bought!!!! and for under 20$ that’s a series deal!!!! I so jealous of u right now!!!! it’s so cold here!!!!!!!! even though i like winter clothes but u know how it is… when it’s winter I wish it was summer and when it’s summer I with it was winter…. or I just wish it would be spring cause the summer here is too hot… anyways, many kisses!!!!!
i love the bikini top! the beading is so pretty!! i feel insecure in such bikini bottom, afraid it might somehow fall off! i’m super paranoid! hahaha! thus i always opt for boy short instead. have a good weekend sunbathing! xoxo
they are all pretty, especially that neon clutch. I always have an eye on beautiful clutch but never actually had one since there’s no occasion for that. Anyway, happy weekend, luv u~~~
IIIII!!!!!!!! This is SO unfair!!!! Why is it so hot over there?
Here it’s too cold, buhuuu, I hate winter. At least, it doesn’t snow. Anyway, this swimsuit is so so cuuute! Love the color, I bet it looks simply perfect on you! And the hat is very Michael Jackson, it’ll look amazing with this gorgeous mane of yours
New sandals, new bikini, new hat? WTF? Are you going to Hawai? 
Haha you’re funny!Well here they are selling spring clothes and we are in real winter;) The neon clutch is amazing,ehre is that Target when I need him;)
Target always seems to have swimwear, which is very convenient! Enjoy your new purchases, they look lovely!
That hat and clutch are AMAZING! Love love love!
Cute bikini & i love the leopard print hat!!