WhoWhatWear Style Stalker

I am so so excited to be featuring in one of the most popular website in fashion www.whowhatwear.com (not to mention one of my daily read!). Ever since I read the first Style stalker from WhoWharWear,  I always dreamed of to be one of them . . . and now the beautiful thing come out. I feel like the luckiest girl in the world.  So in turn, I must thank you all for supporting me and reading my little blog. I couldn’t be able to continue my little blog without you all!Love you all!


11 thoughts on “WhoWhatWear Style Stalker

  1. Thanks Shasie, you sure need to go check on the website, I hope you got alot inspiration there!

  2. 勤劳的耕耘总会有丰盛的收获。所以,这也是你应该得到的。在实现你的梦想的同时,我每天也FRESH了眼睛哦。

  3. YAY YAY YAYYYYYYYY!!!!!! Congrats, Hallie! This is amazing! I’m so happy for you and I know that you deserve this! Seriously, when I saw it, I jumped with happiness! 😀 😀 I hope to see many many many more features on even more popular sites! And I know that I WILL see them in the future! 🙂

  4. Thank you Demy!!! you know how much I love to see your comments, and how joyful you bring to me everyday! Thank You so so much!

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