I suffered with bronchitis for at least a month leading up to Christmas — cough, cough, cough, non-stop, day and night, and it got worse when the weather got cooler, and that changed our holiday travel plan.
I finally felt better a few days ago, and we decided to go to Big Bear Lake to see snow before Red Bear has to go back to school next week.
The city in China where I grew up and the city I am living in right now have some things in common. For one thing, both cities have no snow at all! In the winter, whenever I see snow, my heart still feels a thrill. So does Red Bear; I think snow makes him “crazy” and then “crazier.” He loves to play in it!
Oh, since I didn’t really have a lot experience with snow, so: A. I forgot to pack an extra outfit for Red Bear to put on after playing in the snow. B. I didn’t have him wear waterproof, snow-ready pants, he got so wet , all over. We had to end the snow fight sooner than we planned, and put RB inside the car with the heater on to “Maximum.”
“I want a hot bath,” Red Bear said in the car. “Then we can come back tomorrow and snow-fight again.” Oh, boy, oh boy!
Bob was the busiest one, he had to take pictures for me, and had to defend himself from many snow-bombs from RB, and, at the same time, protect the camera! It wasn’t easy, but he made it!
—- The family that travels together, stays together —–
What I Wore:
J.Crew Puffy Coat(girl’s size 16) (Sold out, also love this and this)
Hunter Boots (alos love this color and this color, also found a short version here)
Target Knit Cap (old, similar here)
White Skinny Leggings(old, similar here)
Cat Eye Sunglasses (also love these Cat Eyes and these cat Eyes )
Turtleneck Knit (ASOS Men’s) (sold out, similar here)
Beautiful scenery of the white snow … Love the warmth feel of a love from a Morher to her child. Simply fabulous!