Yellow Pants

Thanks to who gifted me these yellow pants.  I didn’t realize how much they look similar to with the Zara yellow trousers, until I see many other bloggers wearing the Zara one. What can I say, I am so in love with all kind of color pants recently, and these pants are really a good fit ! I have have many ideas how to wear it next time, just waiting until the weather cools off more.

Yellow Trousers c/o

Gap kids knit Cape

Forever21 Denim Shirt

Aldo Shoes

Chanel Bag

Hat from Target

Karen Walker Sunglasses

29 thoughts on “Yellow Pants

  1. Love love love your pants !!!!! I really want a pair of yellow trousers, besides the wide-leg ones that I already have. I think this will be this season’s colour. I know is my favourite colour right now 😉

  2. 最喜歡看hallie穿上彩色的衣物了。

  3. 早上上LOOKBOOK網站時,在給了妳一顆心。結果想在下一篇給妳一顆心時,它說一天只能給一個。那麼就等明天再給妳吧!
    P.S: 別和我說謝謝喔,我是真心的喜歡妳和妳的穿搭及一切,愛妳~

  4. 谢谢亲爱的心,你还每天给我一颗的, 好感动...其实不用那么在意,你有空的时候再上去和我聊聊就好:)

  5. 头篷很好看,今年应该一样的流行吧。我也很想入点秋装了,天气凉了,还真不知道穿什么呢。看来Hallie那秋天也来到了,裤子剪裁很好吧,显得腿又长又直,身材更高挑啦。帽子很LADY嘛。

  6. 裤型很好,黄色或姜黄色暖暖的,很特别!

  7. 這褲子的剪裁是像西裝褲的剪裁吧?


  8. I already fell in love with these pants when you show what rowe sent you but when I see the on you WOW they’re even more gorgeous!!!! and I loved the matching with the denim it really gives the look the right edge!!!:)

  9. oh, yes, I remember you said that you like the pants the first time I showed…thinking of to get a same one? 😀

  10. 有点小喇叭造型吧,,还别说, 我都不太穿得惯了, 好象已经有很久不穿这种类型的裤子了, 穿的都是窄脚裤….你说的OL裤子在相册里晒了没? 我瞅瞅去^^

  11. I’m 14 so they can look kinda weird on me but I’m looking everywhere for a yellow denim pair, or shorts!:)

  12. Ah,,,you are only 14….now I really feeling so OLD! hahaa…..
    Yellow denim skinny one or shorts will look good on you for sure!!

  13. HI!!!! WOW! I haven’t commented since…Monday I think? WOW! That’s a lot for me. Time seems to fly by too fast when you have so much studying to do 🙁 I hope you’re good, though 🙂 You definitely look good!! I LOVE these pants! Romwe has many gorgeous pieces, but I think that with these yellow pants they outdid themselves! They’re perfect! And the color…ah, gorgeous! Of course, the denim shirt and this cute cute knit cape make the whole look completely adorable! 😀 I also love your haaaat!!! HOW CUUUTE! It reminds me of these old english movies with the puffy dresses and these pretty hats! 🙂 Can’t wait to see how you’ll style them next time! 😀

  14. lol ur not old at all!!!!! anyway ur at the best age ’cause between 20-30 u can wear anything and it won’t look too old or too young!!!:)

  15. hhahah,,,it won’t look too old or too young, or it will look too old or too young! 😀
    But thank you Ariel,,,I am so happy here for your comment:)

  16. 这两天一直在和我老公讨论这事情呢, 因为我们有可能会到别的城市去, 所以上学的事情就再拖 拖 喽…

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