
Today we celebrated Columbus Day in the U.S.A.  Most of the countries in North and South America also celebrate it [the actual date of Columbus “discovering” the New World was Oct. 12, 1492, but we celebrate on a Monday to enjoy a 3-day weekend].

This morning at the breakfast, Bob was reading the newspaper and suddenly asked me a question:” Do you know what’s important about the date today?” I was confused and looked at his face searching for the answer, “Oct. 10 marks the 100thanniversary of the start of China’s 1911 Xinhai Revolution, which ended 2,000 years of imperial rule!” Ah,,,,now I remember how bad my History course was when I was in the school…

This pair of Dior Sunglasses was my first pair of designer sunglasses I bought about 7 years ago.  Somehow I forgot about it until today, I guess I just don’t have a good memory — I’m glad I finally found a reason for why I was so bad in History course in school.

Zara Denim Shirt, Jcrew Shorts, American Apparel Lace Tee, Forever21 Necklace/bracelet/ring, Louis Vuitton Bag, Dior Sunglasses

26 thoughts on “History

  1. Red Bear is such a smart boy! Love the outfit and how you accessorised it, especially with that gorgeous necklace 😉 And also love your glasses…it’s always nice to find out some great old clothes or accessories that u totally forgot about 😉 I love that feeling…is exactly like the one when u buy a new thing 😉

  2. 親愛的hallie,ㄉㄨˊㄉㄨˊ出院了。總之現在燒退了,也恢復往日的活力,現在又開始調皮的不得了。天哪,我又要開始頭疼了。但總比擔心他好,是吧?

  3. 這副墨鏡的細節好漂亮~


  4. Hallie,偷偷跟你说,我的历史更差,以前总不喜欢学历史,可能记得东西太多,也没兴趣,但最后我竟然分科报了它。想要多了解历史时,时间也不够,所以都考得不好咯。唉。这也是我的历史,嘻嘻。

  5. W O W u look stunning!!! I love how the purple shorts upgrade the whole look! and I really like the lace tee!!! and well my denim shirt is one of my favourite things inn my closet as well sooo that only makes my love to this look BIGGER 😀 and I’m flying 2morrow 2 the states yayyy so now I’m going 2 look 4 jewlery in forever21 lol:) xoxo

  6. 紫色我不敢说, 但是牛仔衬衣还真的是很百搭的, 这个我可以保证:)

  7. 哈哈, 原来趣味相同, 还有历史也相同的呀….:) 你说的黑色的打结的短裤, 我现在记起来我好象也有一条呢…晕…
    RB的眼睛经常弄点小动作, 不知道是不是放电, 反正我是时不时被电一下, 哈哈…

  8. 太开心了. 知道ㄉㄨˊㄉㄨˊ已经病好, 我心里也松了一口气. 话说ㄉㄨˊㄉㄨˊ这个该怎么念啊? 哈哈, 每次我打他的名字的时候就是COPY你的…
    小朋友就是这样子的, 我身同感受, 他闹腾的时候觉得他烦, 他病的时候却希望他闹腾, 矛盾吧…

  9. ㄉㄨˊ這注音念做讀書的『讀』音!像是孤獨的『獨』也是這音。
    怕妳不好唸,那麼以後就叫他嘟嘟〈ㄉㄨ ㄉㄨ〉好了。


  10. Happy Colombus Day! Ah, I’m so confused with American celbrations! Well, of course they’re totally different than the greek ones, but they’re all so much more amazing! I wish I could be there to attend a parade or something! Btw, history is such a difficult lesson 🙁 It’s one of the courses I have to pass at my final exams in 7 months and I’m so anxious. There have been so many wars and I have to remember all these dates, people and stuff. My head feels like Spongebob Squarepants lol 😛 😛
    Anyway, this outfit is SO cool! It makes me wanna go to my closet and try to copy it right now! And I think that now is the right time to admit that I do this almost every time when I see a new post haha! I’m too addicted to your blog! Your outfits are always so amazingly put together and you pull the off perfectly WOW! Love the color of your shorts and the denim shirt with the necklace! This outfit reminds me of something, but I can’t remember of whom, someone famous though! Your hair looks perfect like that as well 🙂
    Isn’t the first pair of famous sunglasses very significant? I mean, it’s superficial, but I do believe they matter lol! I got mine this summer, Ray Ban wayfarers 🙂 And I thank my godmother for this, I couldn’t afford buying them, but my godmother gifted them to me 😀 Your first pair is awesome and it suits you! I think you should wear them more often 🙂 They’re sentimentally worthy 😛
    Ah, I LOVE it when Red Bear is wearing his denim shirt! It looks so amazing on him! He is the cutest, really! I desperately want to meet you guys in real life!!! <3

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