I told you I would have to do Polka dots and Shorts once, and here they are, hope you like them.
I am seriously not a tights person, and this new one-piece 2 tone tights got broke within 20 minutes, sighs…
Minkpink Polka Dot Blouse, Levi’s Shorts, Theyskens’ Theory wedges, Carlos Falchi Bag, Karen Walker Sunglasses
Love the two toned tights. It’s too bad that they tore right away! I have better luck with thicker ones and sweater tights. Really cute Hallie, been meaning to try out a shorts and stockings look. I’ve dabbled in it a couple times, but haven’t found the right combination. Hope you’re having a great weekend!
omg u just look amazing!!!!!!! I love ur tight and ur whole outfit!!! just adorable!!!:) wooow you’ve inspired me now lol I have a feeling I’ll start looking 4 a polka dots blouse hahaha xoxo
Awe, that’s too bad about the tights, but they look really nice with the shorts/polka-dotted shirt! I’ve rarely seen people wear two-toned tights and you pull them off (: 希望你这个星期过得很好很开心.
Love it!You look like a doll in the last pic!
Wow…LOVE this look…u look HOT !!!! I think the polka dots shirt and the jeans shorts are perfect match. And don’t let me get started on those tights and on the Theyskens wedges that I crave for so long
for whatever it’s worth, at least u managed to capture its short glorious life
love the shirt and your collants <3
谢谢看看提供的小窍门, 只是有时候到时候应用的时候又忘记了…呵呵…记性还真是不行….
go for polka dots blouse! I just love them!:D I ordered the white one too recently…XOXO
It’s amazing!!!!
Om my you have those wedges!!This is my fave these days!I adore it from head to toe!!Saving it to my inspiration folder,enough said;)
看了這條Levi’s 短褲,讓我好久沒DIY的手又癢了起來。。。
今天我也DIY了一件无袖西装, 嘻嘻…刚刚还被老公问了句:”你不会是找了件贵的西装来DIY吧?” 哈哈!
哈哈, 就是啊, 男人们其实不知道, 我们女人心里的那把小算盘也不坏的^^
Hiii!!!! I’m alive! Lol! I’m so thankful for the weekend, though! How are you and your family??
lol! Give him a huuuuge kiss!
I love the look! This sheer, polka dot tos is really lovely and I love how it looks with the ripped shorts. Oh and the two toned tights are awesome!! It looks like you’re wearing boots lol! Such a pity they tore, but at least their last moments were amazing, considering they took part in this awesome outfit!
Aww Red Bear is wearing red!! How cute is that!