I am so obsessed everything in burgundy now, I have have a burgundy bag (you can see here), bought this Zara burgundy sweater, and now I own a burgundy trench, so if you by any chance see a perect pair of burgundy trousers, do share with me.
This afternoon, working in the yard with Red Bear, we were having so much fun together pulling out weeds, and watering the plants! At the end, Red Bear picked 3 lemons from the tree and said to me,” 3 lemons for each of us, and this one for you, Sweetie…”
I was like, “What? You called me Sweetie?” I almost laughed my mind off after I heard that! Seriously, we never called each other Sweetie within the family, inside or outside the house. Where did this word come from? This is really a mystery!
I was wearing: DKNY trench, Levi’s Shorts(similar style here), H&M striped sweater, Forever21 denim shirt, Alexander Wang booties, 3.1 Phillip Lim Pashli Satchel, Ray Ban sunglasses, YSL ring, Forever21 ring
I can’t believe you got the phillip lim bag…I’m obsessed with it and I’m not kidding! Oh and I love burgundy…it’s definitely one of my favourite colours this season
Gorgeous look,hon!Love the striped top and the burgundy jacket!
RB is growing up really fast. he is so eloquent now! definitely going to be a charmer with his sweet little mouth. LOL! i love burgundy too and it looks great on u! i like what u wear today and i have that h&m striped sweater too! i am going to try something similar… but usually instead of looking stylish & chic like u, i often end up looking…. errrrr…. cutesy >___________<
great outfit babe!
haha that’s so funny I dressed exactly like that a few days ago!!! except for the coat and hat:) oh and I wore it with my Doc’s:) so obviously I love ur outfit and RB is just so cute!! every time he comes up with something like this it just cracks me up:)
I love the layers!
What about burgundy shoes?? I love the richness of the colour in your trench and in the satchel, they really complement each other nicely. Your son is so cute ^^
This is my fave today,looove it!The coat,sweater,shorts,bag,everything!!And the hat!;)
I love this, Hallie! I want that coat and those boots!
Haha, your son is so sweet and funny!!! Amazing outfit as always, Hallie! Love the burgundy and the stripes, your shoes and bag are so perfect!!!
Great outfit! I’m so jealous that you can still wear shorts this time of year, here in NY it’s already freezing!
Yes, burgundy shoes:)
how I wish can see your similar outfits with Doc’s:D
转眼间, 看看的女儿都9岁了,,,时间过得可真快呢, 我在想象着等RB也9岁的时候, 我该是怎样…不过我想, 9岁的孩子是不是也特别懂事, 特别贴心?:)
好咧, 这就去看看去:)
嘟嘟也很知道疼妈妈呢….你也幸福啦:) 有时候就是这样子的, 当我在闹情绪, 儿子特别懂事的时候, 我都觉得我象是那个不懂事的3岁小孩, 有时候我生宝宝气的时候, 老公就说, 怎么我家有两个3岁孩子? 哈哈….
新买的嘛, 肯定近期要天天宠爱啦:)
hahaha, Sweety! He is amaaaaazin! Maybe he heard it on TV? He is the cutest! I really enjoy it when kids make new words or say something you didn’t expect hearing from them! Today I was talking with my little cousin, he is around 3 and he told me “Hey, beautiful little girl!” I was like: excuuuse me?
As for the outfit, I loooove it! But I don’t think I could wear shorts right now, the weather is starting to get chillier. The trench is a dream though! What a color! Burgundy trousers? No doubt there will be a few in Zara. Ah, and of course you should know by know that I LOVE it when you layer sweaters over shirts, there’s something sophisticated and chic in that!
是呀, 當我在幼稚時,2個小傢伙就特別懂事 ,更顯得我無理取鬧呢!
i have the same obsession with burgundy!we love burgundy<3
and i love your coat and everything on your outfit<3
you stylish mum!
you look so great and simpe and chic!! amazing layering!! I love the coat!!
You look fab!
我儿子有时也会突然对我冒一句:“come on ! baby !”
哈哈,,,现在我其实才真正领会到了”可爱”这词的含义, 小朋友的那种”可爱”是真的可爱!
同感吧,,,我现在是知道了, 女人越来越成熟, 都是自己的孩子教出来的,. 哈哈!
Absolutely Gorgeous !!!!