Tea In The Cup

I was holding a coffee cup in these pictures, but that was tea in the cup, I am a tea person 🙂 Have you ever heard of Rosamonte? it is one of Argentina’s most popular yerba matebrands. Yerba mate is the national drink in Argentina, and it’s not a tea at all — it’s actually the dried leaves of a holly bush native to the lower part of South America.  Yerba Mate is a stimulant that acts on your smooth muscles without jitteriness. It induces mental clarity and It is not habit forming as many caffeine drinks are. The important thing is, Yerba Mate is very rich oxidant tea. It’s also a digestive, which prevents an upset stomach. Brah brah brah….

Back to my outfits, remember this maxi skirt? I found it in a thrift store for $6, so far, I still think that’s really a good find, you can see it here  for another style.

Zara Tank

BCBG Max azria Maxi Skirt

H&M Boots and sunglasses


D&G Watch

Rings and Bracelets from Target

Chanel Audace Lips




32 thoughts on “Tea In The Cup

  1. hallie真的是越來越瘦了,嗯~應該說是身材很好才對。

  2. Hi!!! I LOVE the look! I’m still not that eager to wear maxis because of my (not) height, but I’m definitely jealous to see other girls rocking maxis. Including you 😀 The last time you wore it, it was more of a diva look, but this one is more rocker chic! I can say I adore it even more, maybe because I can relate more! It’s a gorgeous skirt nevertheless! Love the red dots 😀 And the shirt is adorbs! But of course, like every time you accessories make the difference! Love everything! You know what? Now that I’m on holidays, I’ll go shopping and I think I’ll try the maxi trend. I really like the way you styled this outfit, it’s so..me! 😛
    I hope you’re having a nice time, Hal! How is Red Bear? 🙂 Btw, I did order the things from Romwe, but I won’t see them before the ends of August, since that’s when I end my holidays 🙁 But well, I guess that I’ll be even more excited haha! 😀
    Take care! Kisses to both of you! 😀

  3. great style and great photos! u look so natural in all your outfit photos! i, on the contrary, all stiffened up when taking outfit photos. any tips? 😀

  4. I hope you can find a good maxi to fit you:)
    About the items from romwe. isn’t that good that after your fun trip, you will have a great gift waiting for you at home? 😀

    Red Bear was sleeping inside the car when we were taking pictures outside. indeed, he was just few steps beside me in these pictures:D

  5. 其实肤色也是因为光线和相片的角度而变的. 而且有时候后期调色的时候我会故意弄成古铜色的. 这次的皮肤这么白, 估计是当时光线很强, 正午时间:)

  6. I like to ¨see¨you brah brah brah…jajaja.You´re so charming when you´re ¨talking¨.I like so much the feeling your bring the tea cup,with this outfits and your long and beautiful hair,回头率百分百!jaja

  7. 真的很美。照片也照得很好。背后功臣的技术也不错哦。手拿咖啡杯,长发飘飘,在街头上慢步,很好的街拍效果哦。休闲而舒服。搭配也很有范呢。怎么没见RB呢?

  8. 不好意思啊,亲爱的!为什么我总觉得这种波点加上红色配黑色有些过时呢?你就原谅我这落伍的老眼光吧,呵呵!

  9. OMG I miss your posts, been MIA for couple days hehe 🙂
    this is so inspiring! I love the maxi skirt and the combo with boots, chic urban city style 😀
    haha me too, I’m a tea person :p
    where’s red bear, I miss him! haha 😀
    have a great day, Hallie 🙂


  10. Hehehe,,,,Thank you Ninda, I miss you too:)
    Glad you like to drink tea:)
    And for another question,REd Bear was sleeping when we were taking pictures:D

  11. 呵呵, 我老公当时还问,你在给这茶杯的商家做广告呢? 呵呵...所以我基本上都用手挡着商标.

  12. RB当时在车上睡着了,呵呵,就是因为他睡觉了,我们才能街拍, 要不然只能去公园拍, 哈哈….

  13. 哦。这样,不过不能留一个小孩独自在车上哦,有点危险的。所以做父母时刻都要注意小孩的安全,感觉最好离自己视线不能太远。不知道他们长大了会不会烦这呢。嘻。。

  14. love love love this look! the skirt is so cool (and what a steal!) and your bag and accessories go perfectly with it…as well as your long flowing hair! makes me wish mine was already long again…
    yerba mate is very popular where i live too, i heard it’s very good for you, but i have yet to try it; my friends tell me it tastes like dirt! but maybe ill try it sometime, since i do love healthy things 🙂

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  15. I am glad you like tea too:) About the taste of yerba mate,,,hehehe,,,I disagree with your friend, I like it taste a lot..:))
    And I love every healthy things…

  16. 知道啦,美国这里有法律,小朋友是不能独自一人留在车中的,所以我们当时就是在车旁边照的相...几步都没敢迈开..呵呵...

  17. thanks dear,,,I don’t really understand your question, may you please ask in another question?

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