Many friends emailed me and asked me where did I get the rhinestone bracelet in the post of Lavender . Well. indeed, that’s from one friend’s jewelry collection. She is a big fan in collecting all kind of beautiful vintage costume jewelry:), and that night we were having dinner together, I saw this bracelet and immediately it caught my eye! Such a beautiful bracelet! There are 250 sparkling rhinestones in this 3″ round flower, and 1-1/2 wide silver stretch medium sized wrist band, which make it very flexible in all kind of width arms. Guess what, there is a signed on the back of the flower –Paula Abdul, you all know who she is, right? She was one of the judge on the “American Idol” TV show. and on the back of the bracelet, you will see the inscription–“He loves me, I love me more”…What a good saying, don’t you agree:)
Anyway, now my friend is planning to sell it, so if anyone is interested in buying this bracelet, you can contact my friend, her email is: And a secret from me, this one wouldn’t cost over $250. and my friend said she will provide free international shipping too! Please don’t get me wrong, I am not start selling stuff on my website here, I am just doing a little favor to my friend and whoever might like it — a one-time only thing!
like your hairstyle !
呵呵, 我想也是吧:)
a very easy do:)
Ahh, it’s such a gorgeous piece! It definitely deserves its own post! When I saw it a few days back, I was open mouthed! Peeerfection!
I love love this dress on you! Gorgeous color.
Thank you Delaney, this is a skirt on a dress, so it’s 2 pieces…
The bracelet is beautiful and you look mighty pretty wearing it! I love the taupy pinks, so feminine. I like seeing your hair up!
Wearing motherhood with style.
That bracelet is so fun!!!!! I love it with this dress and the dress is gorgeous
Shasie of Live Life in Style